Good Times - Dementia Friendly - Rugby Art Gallery & Museum
Free, friendly, craft and reminiscence sessions aimed at adults living with Dementia and their carers
Relax, create and socialise over a cuppa. All sessions run from 1.30-3.00pm. Sessions run once a month
Thursday 18th January -
Thursday 20th February - Shaving foam marbling
Thusday 20th March - Crepe paper flowers
Thursday Thursday 17th April - Peg wreaths
Thursday 15th May - Wet felted stones
Thursday 26th June - Candle holders
Thursday 17th July - Plant hammering
Thursday 21st August - Seashell crafts
Thursday 18th September - Suncatchers
Thursday 16th October -Decoupage
Thursday 20th November - Christmas card decoration
Thursday 18th December - Christmas clay creations