The Government's Elections Act 2022 has introduced a number of changes to the way we vote, so now's the time to make sure you're ready for the general election on Thursday 4 July and elections to come.

Register to vote

You can register to vote online - you just need your date of birth and National Insurance number.

Not sure if you're registered? Just email with your name and address, and we can let you know.

To vote in the general election on 4 July 2024, you must register to vote by midnight on Tuesday 18 June 2024.

Apply for a postal vote

You can apply for a postal vote online - you just need the address where you're registered to vote, your National Insurance number or other identity document (eg passport), and a photo of your signature in black ink on plain white paper.

IMPORTANT - the Elections Act 2022 has introduced changes to the way you return your postal votes.

View information on the changes to postal votes

To vote by post in the general election on 4 July 2024, you must submit your application by 5pm on Wednesday 19 June 2024.

Apply for a proxy vote

You can apply for a proxy vote online - you just need your National Insurance number or other identity document (eg birth certificate), the address where your proxy has registered to vote, contact details for your proxy and a photo of your signature in black ink on plain white paper.

IMPORTANT - the Elections Act 2022 has introduced changes to how a proxy can vote.

View information on the changes to proxy votes

To vote by proxy in the general election on 4 July 2024, you must submit your application by 5pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024.

Voting at a polling station? You need photo ID

You now need to take a valid form of photo ID to a polling station in order to receive a ballot paper.

You can view the full list of valid forms of photo ID on the Electoral Commission website

View the full list of valid forms of photo ID (external link)

If you do not own a valid form of photo ID, you can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate.

Apply for a Voter Authority Certificate

You can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate online - you just need a colour, head and shoulders photo, your date of birth and your National Insurance number.

To vote at a polling station in the general election with a Voter Authority Certificate as your photo ID, you must apply for a certificate no later than 5pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024.