Relaunch of Rugby Landlord Forum backed by council's cabinet
Relaunch of Rugby Landlord Forum backed by council's cabinet

The council intends to work with the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) to run the forum, which aims to support landlords and letting agents in the private rented sector while working to improve conditions for tenants.
The council regulates the private rented sector in the borough and has responsibility for ensuring properties comply with national housing legislation, health and safety standards, and the council's own housing policies.
Rugby currently has around 6,000 privately rented properties, with only a small number of landlords owning more than five properties in the borough.
Approximately 2,500 residents live in houses in multiple occupation (HMOs), with the council responsible for licensing large HMOs.
Cllr Claire Edwards, Rugby Borough Council portfolio holder for communities and homes, regulation and safety, said the rising number of landlords and tenants in the private rented sector meant a Rugby Landlord Forum had an important role to play in strengthening relationships with landlords and letting agents to support the sector and raise standards for tenants.
"The majority of landlords in the borough's private sector provide a high-quality service, and a landlord forum offers an opportunity for landlords to share best practice, raise concerns and speak to us about changes to housing legislation," Cllr Edwards said.
"Strengthening the council's relationship with landlords and letting agents can help us all build a stronger private rented sector in Rugby, and with the Government's new Renters' Rights Bill expected to become law in the spring, we'll have plenty to talk about."
The Renters' Rights Bill proposes a raft of new legislation for the private rented sector, including abolishing section 21 (known as 'no-fault') evictions, introducing a new Private Rented Sector Landlord Ombudsman to resolve complaints from tenants, and applying the Decent Homes Standard - which currently sets minimum standards for the condition of social housing - to the private rented sector.
Rugby's previous landlord forum closed in 2015 due to dwindling membership.
But a report to the meeting of the council's cabinet on Tuesday (21 January) recommended relaunching the forum, with quarterly meetings complemented by enhanced support via the council's website.
At the meeting, cabinet recommended full council to approve the report at its meeting on Tuesday 4 February.
For more information about private rented accommodation, visit